What is CBD?

CBD or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid present in the cannabis plant along with 113 others.

When CBD enters our body, it directly activates our endocannabinoid system. This system is in charge of naturally controlling such simple, but vitally important actions: such as controlling our body temperature, appetite, memory, sleep, pain and pleasure, among others.

So, in the face of a health problem, our endocannabinoid system will be activated immediately, releasing the cannabinoids naturally present in our body, thus enabling the restoration of balance.

In the next section we will continue talking about what CBD is: side effects and the different formats in which this component is presented.


 Although there is still a long way to go and research is not yet abundant to establish definitive and generalizable conclusions. We can find some pretty comprehensive research on CBD, side effects, and benefits.

The American journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, published in 2017 an extensive article entitled '' An Update on Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol: A Review of Clinical Data and Relevant Animal Studies '' in which they talk about CBD, side effects and safety.

According to this study, the most common side effects of CBD, although minor and insignificant, are usually: fatigue, diarrhea, weight fluctuation and changes in appetite. The researchers affirm that, although these effects are in an insignificant percentage, they are still minor; than those caused by many drugs when treating conditions such as epilepsy or psychotic disorders.

On the other hand, the journal Current Drug Safety, in the article ‘’ Safety and side effects of cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent ’’ maintains that CBD does not present adverse effects in terms of physiological parameters. For example: blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature; Neither are psychological or psychomotor functions, gastrointestinal transit or food intake affected.


 As you have been able to read, and according to the studies mentioned above; It seems that CBD, apart from being a totally natural and non-psychoactive component. It also has no significant side effects. You already know that we take it home in the format you prefer. Visit our website and choose the product that best suits your needs.

Information obtained from our friends at "The Tree CBD"

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