What is CBD Weed?

So, in the face of a health problem, our endocannabinoid system will be activated immediately, releasing the cannabinoids naturally present in our body, thus enabling the restoration of balance.


CBD and THC are probably the 2 best known cannabinoids, but what is the difference between them?

On the one hand we have CBD, which is a non-psychoactive component, which has no common side effects and is legal in most countries.

On the other hand we have THC, whose popularity has been affected by the rise of CBD, due, among other things, to its unwanted psychoactive effect by many people, its side effects such as anxiety and also due to the fact that it is a illegal substance in many countries.

From this list of differences we can draw the conclusion that CBD weed could be considered more suitable to be able to enjoy its benefits without affecting daily activities.

Remember that at SMBSEEDS we constantly work in the search for the best varieties to keep our clients satisfied and never stop surprising them. If you have any questions we will be happy to assist you.

Information obtained from our friends at "The Tree CBD

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