Buying CBD buds indoors has never been so easy!

Indoor flowers, a delight that you have to know

Before choosing which variety is more in line with your tastes. You should know the reasons why buying marijuana buds online is the best option and better understand the characteristics of the indoor buds that we offer at SMBSEEDS. The main characteristic of flowers grown indoors is that our growers can better control the plants and subject them to extremely favorable conditions to obtain an excellent product and good yield.

Another characteristic is that indoor CBD buds have a high trichome density, motivated by the controlled growing environment and proximity to the light source. Cannabis trichomes are small transparent filaments that make resin. Hemp resin is the compound that contains cannabinoids, in this case CBD and other non-psychotropic cannabinoids - while THC does not reach 0.2%.

In addition, the buds that come from indoor plantations allow the application of innovative cultivation methods. As can be the aeroponic techniques, where during the cultivation of the plants the roots are suspended in the air and the plants are able to obtain the nutrients through humidity; or hydroponic techniques where agricultural soil is not used and it is through the use of an inert medium or mineral solutions with essential nutrients for the normal development of plants. In any case, these are innovative techniques that could be carried out during the planting of our buds thanks to the advantages that indoor plantings provide. In addition, they allow plants to receive and absorb 100% of the nutrients and develop CBD-rich flowers.

We have currently added three new flowers to our indoor catalog that you will not be able to resist.

The new indoor novelties that will make you want to buy CBD buds

SMBSEEDS does not stop including new varieties in its catalog in order to please everyone's tastes. Depending on the time of year, the mood you have that day or your own tastes, the type of bud you want to have in your hands will always vary. For this reason, we offer varieties with sweet aromas for those with a sweet tooth or citrus for those with a more sour palate; although we have also thought of those people who decline for a more earthy and drier essence or for the pungent aroma of diesel.

Don't miss out on buying marijuana buds online that most closely match your tastes.

Information obtained from our friends at "The Tree CBD"

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