White clover is a nitrogen fixer and is a wonderful source of green mulch.

White clover (Trifolium repens) is a very hardy little plant that is difficult to get rid of and will cover any space between other plants. It has little nutritional and medicinal value but performs other specific functions that will help you grow healthy, organic cannabis. White clover acts as a living mulch and preserves the soil from heat and radiation, while aiding in water filtration and soil friability. It grows fast and is a source of organic mulch rich in minerals. For this reason it is a very beneficial companion crop for our cannabis.

The fundamental characteristic of white clover is its power to fix nitrogen. The root nodules fix and stabilize atmospheric nitrogen. When the plant withers, it releases this nitrogen of excellent quality into its environment, which motivates a healthy growth in the plants around it. Cannabis is very nitrogen demanding and responds very well to white clover. Moreover it saves us money on commercial fertilizers. The beautiful white and pink flowers are irresistible to bees and butterflies and will self-fertilize for the following spring.

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