
The beautiful flowers of yarrow attract many beneficial insects.

Its scientific name Achillea millefolium is given in honor of the historical figure Achilles, who is said to have used it to heal superficial wounds on his body and those of his soldiers. A hardy and noble herb, yarrow is a very suggestive and beneficial addition to your crop. Yarrow's corymbs open and form incredible clusters of white flowers. It is not used in cooking as it is very bitter but infusions can be made with its dried flowers and the younger shoots add a touch of bitterness to a salad.

Yarrow is said to increase the production of essential oils in the plants growing around it, which is a very interesting attribute when it comes to marijuana. Yarrow attracts many beneficial predatory insects, such as ladybugs, lacewings or hoverflies. Some species of beneficial parasitic wasps are also attracted to yarrow, while scaring away wildlife that cause damage to your plantation. Because of its long roots yarrow is planted at the end of the garden so that it does not harm our dear girls.

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